The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20817   Message #218909
Posted By: BlueJay
27-Apr-00 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help me! Columbine Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Help me! Colunbine Thread
This was covered in several articles in theis morning's Denver Post. I have a copy in my hands. I quote Beth Nimmo, the mother of murdered Columbine student Rachel Scott: For the first time, I saw my daughter be dragged to the fire engine. I didn't need to see that. Nobody else needs to see that. I'm outraged. It does so much harm to the victims and their families.

"I'm Rachels mom. I raised her. I feel violated by seeing her body pulled through the grass. It was not a time to be silent.

"It crushed me to think people all over the country can watch my daughter be handled... It's very humiliating. Rachel had a lot of dignity."

End Quote. I happen to sympathize with her, and can see no good coming from this. She also mentions how these scenes could impact Craig, Rachel's brother, who while uninjured saw his friends killed in the library, and later learned of his sister's death. I haven't read enough, but I fail to understand why a purported "Training" video for the Fire Dept. needs to be made public AND FOR SALE AT TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS!!! They sold 40 of them the first hour they were available. The whole thing smells bad to me. BlueJay