The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12960   Message #2189486
Posted By: Janie
08-Nov-07 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: tech: How Many Mudcatters using MACs?
Subject: RE: tech: How Many Mudcatters using MACs?
The youngin', obviously, has been using a PC at home and the Macs at school. He generally prefers the Mac, but not strongly.

Regarding advertising, I haven't had a TV hooked up to anything but a VCR or DVD for more than 30 years, and the radio dial stays on NPR. I'm not exposed to much advertising. (Some thread drift - about the only time I see television is when I go see my parents, three or four times a year. At their house, it is ALL TELEVISION, ALL THE TIME.    I often find myself agape at both the products and contents of the ads. They strike me as really quite bizarre. I am also stunned that one can have 50 channels and most of the time, find nothing worth watching.) My interest in the Mac stemmed from a combination of word of mouth and my son's liking them.

As far as computers and technology go, I have no interest or understanding at all about how they work or why they work. I am interested in them only as tools.
