Billy the Bus:Your writing that you saw Mike Seeger in the 1970s and he was with Alice and they are still together leaped out at me. I've often wondered about that. Probably in 1959, I took some time off from school to work with a group called The Living Theatre. Through them, I got to meet all sorts of people and that was why I was at a place called the Folklore Center in Greenwich Village. I was talking with the owner, Izzy Young, when a young man walked in and was warmly greeted by Izzy. There were two things about that moment that made it memorable to me. The first was being introduced to Mike S. and the second was learning that he was getting married the next day. I've often wondered how that marriage turned out. If they are together forty-one years later, it is good to know that Izzy Young's best wishes that day "took".