The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20817   Message #219016
Posted By: GUEST,Mrr
27-Apr-00 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help me! Columbine Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Help me! Colunbine Thread
A personal note on this - my opinion only, not intended to be Right or anything.
Some of you know that my father was killed by terrorists on April 18th, 1983. Well, it was extremely distressing to all of us (my mom and sisters) that the coverage of that bombing was so curtailed. It wasn't even on the cover of Time Magazine that week - Nastassia Kinski was ("Hot New Faces From Europe") (aside: and we've never forgiven her, although of course it wasn't her fault). It was off the front page in 3 days, and out of TV within the week. We all felt that coverage should have gone on and on and on. We felt that it was being forgotten about. Every year, when there was no Remember This, we get upset again. And especially with all these other horrible things happening in April are remembered - nobody mentions "our" bombing. The Never Forget (can't recall the exact name) website lists all the other April dates - the 19th (Waco, Oklahoma city), the 20th (Columbine) - CNN just did a big thing on the history of terrorism - and where is the remembrance of the bombing that destroyed our Embassy? n NOT MENTIONED ONCE. In fact, CNN has been known to show footage of the Embassy bombing aftermath while discussing the Marine one.
Sorry to vent. It still bugs me that nobody remembers this one - if you say Beirut bombing most people think of the Marine Corps barracks one.

As a separate aside, I find it disturbing that the US news media coverage of disasters is so US-centric. For example, the latest plane crash off our coast, that killed dozens, was the day after a plane crash off the Ivory Coast in which hundreds were killed and some people actually survived to swim to shore! I can't recall any other plane crashing into the sea after takeoff and leaving any survivors - but to read about this crash, I had to web over to the African newspapers, all the US ones were talking about was the one closer to home with so many fewer deaths. I'd like to see the number of people involved begin to take precedence over the number of AMERICANS involved. But again, that's just MY opinion.