The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106185   Message #2191173
Posted By: Bee
11-Nov-07 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: The structure of fannies (US bottoms)
Subject: RE: BS: The structure of fannies (US bottoms)
I have watched a very silly discussion, on a Christian message board, of appropriate terms for what most Nova Scotians would call an ass or an arse. The American Christians are horrified by the words 'ass' and 'arse' and wish to impose the term 'butt' on the international community. However, the word 'ass' as in Balaam's, appears in scripture, whereas 'butt' does not, so they are in a great quandary as to what words to filter, since 'obviously', they cannot filter words that appear in the Bible.