The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106185   Message #2191528
Posted By: frogprince
11-Nov-07 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: The structure of fannies (US bottoms)
Subject: RE: BS: The structure of fannies (US bottoms)
Then there's this classic piece from the Limelighters, dedicated to a young woman who achieved her one moment of fame by modeling a dress with the back cut down to her "fanny". Until I googled it just now, I never dreamt that Melvina Reynolds co-wrote it.

(Malvina Reynolds / Lou Gottlieb)
The Limeliters - 1960

Vikki turn your back on me
Come on darlin' just for me
'Cause there is something so appealin',
That your eyes are not revealin'!
Oh, Miss Dougan, you're for me!

Other girls who approach me,
Are beautiful, gorgeous and gay!
But you're so gosh darn more inviting
Going the other way!


Vikki baby you move me,
In those far-out clothes!
But don't it get chilly flyin' home at night
When that cold cold tail-wind blows?


Vikki baby, you rock me,
Without you I'm bereft!
I'm hynotized by those crazy eyes,
And that callipygian cleft!


Once, for a brief moment in time, in 1968, I operated a very small "underground" radio station, and played this from a reel-to-reel tape regularly.