The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106062   Message #2191731
Posted By: Teribus
12-Nov-07 - 01:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another dictator to turn on the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: Another dictator to turn on the U.S.
Check your facts Ron Davies and come back and tell me that the people who advised Clinton and pointed up Iraq as posing the greatest threat to US interests in 1998 were the same as advised GWB of the same thing in 2002. Clinton believed what his security advisors and intelligence agencies were telling him and so did george W Bush, neither really had much option.

Main difference was 911 proved that the US was vulnerable and open to attack (Please note Ron Davies that is not in any way stating or implying that Iraq had anything whatsoever to do with 911). Clinton actions were ineffective, he believed it to be possible to "contain" Saddam (The truth about the extent of the oil smuggling and "Oil for Food" scandal, blew that particular falsehood sky high). George W Bush on the otherhand went to the international community and requested that they act, when they didn't he did, a damn sight more effectively than did Clinton. Clinton would have right to do the same in 1998, GWB was definitely correct to do so in 2003. Progress is being made, corners have been turned, it will still take some time but I have always said that.