The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106185   Message #2191781
Posted By: GUEST,PMB
12-Nov-07 - 05:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: The structure of fannies (US bottoms)
Subject: RE: BS: The structure of fannies (US bottoms)
Good arse Azizi!

A few years ago I was doing a bit of carpentry, and was asked by my little daughter why I'd written rude words on one piece of wood. To remind myself of where this particular piece went among a number of similarly- shaped but not exactly the same size pieces, I'd written "front bottom" on it. Which I hasten to add, wasn't a euphemism we used at home.

The little niece was being bathed by her grandma, who being a bit prim said "I'll leave you to wash your private parts yourself." "Call it by it's proper name, Grandma," she replied, "That's my regina."