The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12960   Message #2191911
Posted By: Marc Bernier
12-Nov-07 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: tech: How Many Mudcatters using MACs?
Subject: RE: tech: How Many Mudcatters using MACs?
I'v been a Mac user for 15 or so years. My wife, a professional librarian and sworn PC user. I don't understand these things first of all, I'm a folk musician anything I plug in worries me. I use the computer to check email read mudcat and write music. Thats right, I write music with dots and lines and everything.

I'v been happy with the mac all along but not my wife. We recently needed to by a new computer to replace my 10 or 11 year old blue IMAC, and she convinced me that if we bought a PC she cold help me do bussiness things on it as she understood Windows better than Appleworks.

We now own a Dell with Windows Vista for an OS and my music writing program runs like shit. Having called tech support I'm told windows Vista is here and it's so new no ones figured out how to make anything run on it.

I'm presently making room in my office to set up my old IMAC so I can write with that. And now I have this not so cheap PC to check email and read mudcat.

Macs are better. Though I don't know why.