The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106185   Message #2192294
Posted By: Azizi
12-Nov-07 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: The structure of fannies (US bottoms)
Subject: RE: BS: The structure of fannies (US bottoms)
BTW is this a musical thread now or should it stay below the line, you know, at the BOTTOM?
-Neil D

I like it when BS threads contain song lyrics and music videos.

I think adding lyrics enhance threads and that links to music videos are a wonderful way to introduce & reacquaint people to songs and dances.

While I think that there definitely should be a BS thread separate from the Mudcat music & folk culture thread, I think that sometimes a merging of those divisions will occur and it's healthy for that to happen.

For instance, I think it's nautural for some BS threads-like this one-to contain references to, and examples of music & folk culture. After all, "folk culture" encompases everything, including lighthearted and more serious "BS".

That said, I remember when I had dial up, and it was impossible to access videos. Plus even if I couldn't get those videos, having them posted on a page made the page load so much slower.

While I'll continue to post links videos, I'd like to apologize to those who are still on dial up for slowing up the works.

If you can get faster Internet access where you live, I hope that you get it soon. Doing so truly opens up a whole new world.