The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106062   Message #2192527
Posted By: Stu
13-Nov-07 - 04:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another dictator to turn on the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: Another dictator to turn on the U.S.
Of course, it's always encouraging to hear Bush apologists spout forth their tired dogma when they are defending his actions in the Middle East. It takes courage to admit you're wrong and in some cases that courage is lacking as sure as their moral courage is lacking too.

Because that's what the Iraq debacle has exposed to the world - the lack of moral integrity of the world's biggest superpower. Torture, kidnap and the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilans at the hands of the American Military and their mercenary cohorts has shown the American dream to be a sham and their political leadership to be morally corrupt capitalist whores (as are their close international allies - it's just that not everyone touts Liberty, Justice and Freedom as being their sacred aims quite as hypocritically).

The Hawks that are gunning for Iran now are not interested in anything except maintaining an open market for selling American products into the region and securing the flow of oil out of it while it lasts. Even as this sorry affair is being played out the Americans are beginning the process of replacing their aging nuclear arsenal with new nukes - hardly the actions of a sensitive government genuinely concerned about the proliferation of WMD's.

It's time we focussed on the reality here: The US and many of our governments don't give two shades of shit about you, me or anyone else in the world. They don't have your best interests at heart. They don't care about dead civilians, dead GI's or dead babies. They don't care if they have to torture people, kill them when they get in the way ('baiting' being the current favourite tactic) or imprison them even if they are totally innocent or they have no evidence of any wrongdoing. They certainly don't care about democracy - to them this word is interchangeable with 'capitalism', another example of their corruption of politcal ideals.

There is no moral leadership, no integrity and complete indifference to anyone who isn't a direct customer of corporate America - even their own citizens are disenfranchised from the American dream.

Teribus is getting a kicking here for defending US government/corporate policy but at least he seems to realise that in the end these people don't give a fuck about the moral high ground (they probably can't even read the map) and don't give a fuck about anything but money.

And they sure as hell don't give a fuck about you.