The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20849   Message #219265
Posted By: M. Ted (inactive)
27-Apr-00 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Elian 3
Subject: RE: BS: Elian 3

You have my endorsement for this thread--although I am not sure what the protocol is, because the thread that got out of hand was Elian 2, which I didn't actually start, but I did contribute heavily to sending it off-track--Sorry--

I am slowing down, because I have more than thirty verses, not counting the ones I have to write today on the judicial ruling--

I must say that I have been sick of Alan Dershowitz for a long time, I have thought that his legal commentary generally has been blatant self promotion, as this is--promtional--his intent simply enough, is to become part of the legal team, and he used the media to communicate his proposed strategy to the Familia Otra Gonzales--

What he says is really accurate--but all it means is that if you don't believe that an administrative action of the government(which techincally, means any action) is legal, and you choose not to comply with it, then only the courts have the authority to compel you to comply, and only after you have the hearing that you are constitutionally assured--(I am sorry if I am drifted into the area you have forbidden, but you asked the question!!!)

He is just pointing out what every American schoolchild knows--but in a way that makes it seem like he thought of it, therefore makes him look like the best attorney to hire--

What he neglects to point out is, the placement of Elian in the home was an administrative decision of the US Government--so if the removal wasn't binding, then the placaement wasn't really binding, either--Since it was Janet Reno who put him there, and Janet Reno who took him out, it would be pretty hard to argue that she had the power to decide where Elian should be when she put him there, but she didn't have the powere when she took him out--The only authority that the FOZ had to keep Elian was given to them by the DOJ--

Yesterday, I had a website up that busted on Maryslesis (sorry, but her name sounds like a urinary tract procedure) for obviously trashing the door--did I get that link from you somehow or another?

It was also pointed out to me that there is a large box of BD syringes in the closet that Donato Dalrymple had taken Elian to--

If you check the AP site, you can see the other shots that Alan Diaz, the "official" photographer took, including one before the INS agent came into the room--it is obvious that he place the two of them in the half opened closet to set up a photo--isn't this the kind of interfering with the news that is considered to be highly un-ethical?

"Spaw, if you aren't going to stay on topic, go back over to the busking thread, where someone mentioned how well they used to do with a hammered dulcimer---