The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20849   Message #219290
Posted By: catspaw49
27-Apr-00 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Elian 3
Subject: RE: BS: Elian 3
Gee Ted.....When was I off topic? Jim Dixon was looking for the small picture and I agreed with Rick and added a few comments of my own.......NOW, how you wish to take them is of course your business, as is how much heartbreak you wish to endure over the plight of one child when there are thousands in peril and unsafe of neglectful homes within this country. I am sadly quite desensitised to the problems of neglect and abuse as I have lived with them to the point of numbness.

The "Small Picture" here is so simple that it could have been handled by the most inept caseworker in the worst agency in the country and have already been stated. The problems of our child custody laws and slow moving judicial systems have occupied the greater part of my life for ten years and I am still plugging away.

Humor?...."If I laugh at any mortal thing, tis that I may not weep.".......Without those words, I would have lost it years ago.
