The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2193206
Posted By: Amos
13-Nov-07 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
The Los Angeles Times reports on new estimates for the overall cost of Bush's adventures in the Middle East:

"WASHINGTON -- The total cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could balloon to $3.5 trillion over the next decade because of such "hidden" costs as oil market disruptions, foregone investments, long-term health care for veterans and interest payments on borrowed war funding, according to a report released by congressional Democrats on Tuesday.

The projection, by the Democratic majority on the Joint Economic Committee, is more than $1 trillion higher than a recent forecast by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which accounted only for direct spending and interest payments and assumed a moderate withdrawal of troops between now and 2017.
"The full costs of this war to our economy are manifested in ways that have never been accounted for by this administration: We are funding this war with borrowed money, Americans are paying more at the gas pump, and it will take years for our military to recover from the damage of the president's failed war strategy," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told a news conference Tuesday.

For the Iraq and Afghanistan wars so far, those costs total about $1.6 trillion, the report found -- almost double the direct appropriations of $804 billion in the 2003-2008 fiscal years. Of that, $1.3 trillion, or more than twice the $607 billion appropriated, is for Iraq alone.

The report by the Joint Economic Committee Democrats -- Republicans on the panel did not participate -- comes as the House and the Senate prepare to vote, probably this week, on a $50-billion spending bill for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The bill would provide the funding on the condition that the Bush administration begins immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops, with a goal of complete withdrawal by Dec. 15, 2008.

If Bush does not agree to the conditions and vetoes the bill, then he "won't get his $50 billion," Reid said, and the Pentagon would have to use its own budget to cover the costs of the conflicts. President Bush recently signed a $470-billion Defense Department appropriations bill that covers mainly costs unrelated to the wars.

Press Secretary Dana Perino defended the administration's Iraq policies, pointing to reduced violence and improvements in the Iraqi economy. She said the Joint Economic Committee report has "obvious motivations" behind it.

"This committee is known for being partisan and political," Perino said. "They did not consult or cooperate with the Republicans on the committee. And so I think it is an attempt to muddy the waters on what has been some positive developments being reported out of Iraq."

Aside from the obvious costs of direct appropriations and the interest on borrowed funds, the report said the war takes money from such "productive investments" as education, law enforcement and health care.

The report noted that more than 30,000 troops had been wounded so far in Iraq and Afghanistan, and although it does not specify how many have been significantly disabled, it found that costs related to their inability to return to productive work and to their need for care, thus requiring family members to quit their jobs, could total more than $30 billion.

The price of oil also has been affected by the war, the report said, with the cost of a barrel almost tripling from $37 a barrel the week before the U.S. invasion to more than $98 a barrel last week. Although it is difficult to quantify the size of the war's effect on prices, the report said, it has "been one factor contributing to a generally unsettled state of oil markets over the past several years."

The notion that this war has directly driven the rising cost of gas is one which I had not thought of; I have often mentioned the huge hidden costs to the country in human agony of neurosis and psychosis derived directly from mind-wrenching battle in a nebulous cause. I can't think of any more dissonant, mind-breaking position for a young man to be in than to destroy other humans and find his justification wanting.
