The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102499   Message #2193475
Posted By: GUEST,Mark Calendar
14-Nov-07 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Subject: RE: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Oil is pushing $100 per barrel, gold $850 per ounce. That's in US dollars. The value of the dollar is plunging. 7 years ago you could buy a Euro Dollar with 80 cents, American. Today a Euro costs $1.47.

The value of the dollar is falling. This is deliberate. The Federal Reserve prints the money for the US. The Federal Reserve is running the printing presses non-stop in order to devalue the dollar. More money in circulation = less value for that money. That's why we're in Iraq--it's a money sink. The war is intended to bankrupt the U.S., same as Afghanistan overstretched the Soviets.

The problem in the US, and the world, is paper money. All major economies are now using paper money backed by nothing. The World Bank decides which countries to make strong and which to weaken by the printing of money.

Currently, the US is being manipulated into economic hard times by the overissuance of money. The global bankers think that by routing all industry out of the country and causing unemployment, then devaluing the dollar, then flooding the country will criminal illegals, then staging terrorism, pouring dollars into war, etc., the US will take the final step to becoming a total communist state. 53% of Americans now receive "significant income" from the government , while we're told we're "capitalist". The truth is that our pensions are being invested in scams like the sub-prime fiasco, and it is inevitable that all pensioners will wake up one day with NO pensions. Then the terrorist event will be blamed on some Christian organization (cutting off that means of support for millions, once Christian churches are put on the list of terrorist organizations), and without pensions and churches, with the dollar worth a nickle, Americans will have no choice but to turn to government for their daily bread. Of course, the new "environmentalists" will take the opportunity to seize the property of those who are in the soup lines, and the land will be made off limits to the new arch-villains--polluting humanoids.

The crash of the economy is happening before your eyes, but just slowly. Like painting a picture one stroke a day. The only way to stop it is to let it happen. Let the dollar sink to zero, then get rid of the federal officials who orchestarted the whole mess. Paper money is a means of control that the global bankers have been crafting for a long, long time, and this is their payoff. They're going to seize all private property in the U.S., then Europe, etc.