The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106251   Message #2193490
Posted By: Amos
14-Nov-07 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Native Behaviors in Mudcat Society
Subject: RE: BS: Native Behaviors in Mudcat Society
Well, okay. Maybe I should reword my remark about behavior. Posting behaviors are communication behaviors, and of course they form patterns. And it is true they denote emotional interactions and even refer to incidents of actual force, socoial pressure, and such.

But the patterns of communication --especially in an abstract cyber-site -- are NOT mapped to the real universe of action, and the dynamics of motion, force, survival, and so on in any reliable way, certainly not in any one-to-one mapping scheme.

So you are talking about a very abstract level of relationship, containing no smells, no sweat, no hunger, and no fulfillment of real physical need, (except for the exchange of admiration which is very deepseated).

In spite of this, it iis true there are very real exchanges going on here, and a lot of feeling gets put into what is said. My remark above was intended simply to emphasize the real-world difference.

There is no specific gravity to a thread.