The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106251 Message #2194006
Posted By: Bobert
14-Nov-07 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Native Behaviors in Mudcat Society
Subject: RE: BS: Native Behaviors in Mudcat Society
Ahhhhhh, sorry to be late to the party... Did I miss anything???
Nevernmind that, I always miss somethin'... Missin' stuff is like freedom 'cause then you ain't respnsible for keepin' track of it...
Hey, Dave's Wife, ahhhhhh, don't listen to me when I suggest that you do this 'er that... Jus' get you into trouble... I got a PHD on trouble here in Mudville... With the exception of about handfull of folks I have been in trouble with everyone else at least once... That's a lot of folks that I have rubbed wrong, then had to go back and do the "dance of the dieing duck" (D of the DD, for short)... I mean, I've had to do the D of the DD so othen here that Fred Astaire would be proud...
Now as fir studies??? Hmmmmmm??? I weren't much good at studyin' so I purdy much keep away from them... I didn't know I was fonna be called on 'er I would have studied more, if only I knew what I was studin' for.... Excuse the prepositon at the end of the sentence, if it was a sentence 'cause I know that academics ain't much ito ending 'em with preps....
Lastly, what the heck do I know about anthropologym anyway??? Nuthin', that's what... I weren't required back in my college days... Biology was and it sucked... Biology was used to flunk kids out... Weed out the real dummies... I got a D... Barely...
That's my story... Sorry I ain't much help... There's a lot more brainier (is that a word???)folks scratching 'round here in the Catbox than me...
All I did was say that I liked the way you wrote, Dave's Wife, but I also said I didn't have a clue what you were talkin' about... That much still stands...