The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20811   Message #219407
Posted By: katlaughing
28-Apr-00 - 01:30 AM
Thread Name: Radio: Episode XXXII 'Feeling Old'
Subject: RE: Radio: Episode XXXII 'Feeling Old'
Outpost!? I'll give ya outpost! Come on up to Wyoming, darlin'!**BG** Not much within distance, oh well, a few hours, but sagebrush, prairie dawgs, and antelopes! There's only 3 Mudcatters here and we're losing one of us to Colorado!

Actually, there was a Mudcatter in NZ when I first came here, Pete Metcham. He had to quit 'catting to do some big contract for work and very rarely comes round anymore; in fact I haven't seen him in ages. Do ICQ him sometimes.

The one thing that has really helped me to not feel so isolated, away from the fine folk you speak of, is to join in the HearMe sessions. Even if you don't have a mic, if you have a sound card, you can go in there and listen, plus there is a text chat. It is loads of fun and, there were still people in there a few minutes ago. Come share a song or two when any of us is in there. Alsion and Spider Tom, both in OZ were in there, Jon from Wales...many of us stay connected that way. It is a wonderful and to me it seems miraculous way to put a voice wiht the name! Just click on the HearME Now thread and click on the link, then there will be a small download. When you get there click on the text chat and you will get a greta big hello from everyone in there.

Hoep this helps and same back at'cha on the kind words and feelings of affection for all Mudders everywhere.
