The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106062   Message #2194275
Posted By: beardedbruce
15-Nov-07 - 07:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another dictator to turn on the U.S.
Subject: RE: BS: Another dictator to turn on the U.S.

You seem to ignore that, after 1948, it was the ARAB nations that

1. Controlled what is now being claimed as a "Palestinian State"
2. Kept the Palestinians in camps and refused to allow them to settle.
3. Drove the vast majority of Jews out of Arab lands.

Israel , on the other hand,

1. absorbed and settled the GREATER number of Jews who were driven from Arab countries
2. Invited and accepted as citizens those Moslems willing to live peacefully in Israel

I think, in THIS case, Teribus is far closer to the truth than you are attempting to be.The Arab nations, and the Plaestinian "leadership" leadership, have treated the Palestinian PEOPLE far worse than Israel has, and a case can be made that the have KILLED more than Israel has, by both direct ( actions) AND indirect (policies) means.

Tell me again what TransJordan was created as? You know, the greater part ( 75%+) of the Mandate Palestine territory that was split off and reserved exclusively for the Palestinian Moslems as an "Arab" homeland, with settlement by Jews prohibited ( Unlike the "Jewish" homeland, where Moslems were and remained a large part of the population)?