The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106057   Message #2194459
Posted By: Micca
15-Nov-07 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: Where is Micca?????
Subject: RE: Where is Micca?????
I will deal with these slanderous allegations in the order they are posted
1 The directions were printed out before we left and included at least one non existant street in Keene in their final stages

2 there were NO illuminated house numbers or mail boxes in the street when we found it but there was a note on the door directing us.
3 I am NOT pre-programmed not to ask the way, I frequently do(for further evidence ask my spiritual adviser, they will tell you I am always asking for directions)
4 We arrived back in Portland at about 1 am and decided it would be kinder not to wake Mary as we know she has an early start. BTW the arrangement was we would call if we were NOT coming back that evening,
5 We were delayed by the same problem that Mary and I had making the same journey before by the confusing signage near Concord NH which ended with us heading North towards Laconia instead of East to Portsmouth.
6 Why do I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on my visits to the USA wandering around in the dark in the back areas of New Hampshire?
7 and my final comment is ".......and the Horse......"
Micca (safely back in Portland with the moggies)