The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106280   Message #2195196
Posted By: redsnapper
16-Nov-07 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: My Old Man's A New Labour Dustman
Subject: RE: My Old Man's A New Labour Dustman
"I am in accordance with your useful fellow craftman's suggestion" replied Frederick as he ascended the portable structure consisting of two long sides crossed by parallel rungs.

With the tool that he had consisting of a metal bar with a single curved end with flattened points, equipped with a small fissure on the curved end, he executed a impact of considerable kinetic energy.

At this juncture he found himself at some professional disadvantage as approximately 453.6 kilograms of waste building aggregates fell under gravity onto the apex of his parietal bone, close to the sagittal suture, being unprotected as it was by approved safety headwear made to the appropriate standard.

In the event Charles and myself retired from the workplace to the designated rest area and had a further infusion of the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis (L.) before subsequently clocking off from the site and returning to our respective abodes.