The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105191   Message #2195382
Posted By: Megan L
16-Nov-07 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Messages '07-Santas, Come Play!
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Messages '07-Santas, Come Play!
Weel jings crivens and help ma boab ah kent thon wind the ither week wis kinda strong(It only managed tae knock doon wan building here)
It did however seem tae be even worse a peedie bittie farther north, tae whit thon thing a thocht wis a bit o fence fleein past ma windy must in fact hae bin Santas wee hoose. Pity he/she must hae bin sittin oan the cludgie at the time fur ma last letter came frae China. So if onybody elses pressies are a peedie bit late ye'll ken the reason.

SS yer evil you are :)