The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106294   Message #2195452
Posted By: Metchosin
16-Nov-07 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canadians taser Polish man in airport (2007)
Subject: RE: BS: Canadians taser Polish man in airport
Part of the problem is that the RCMP has no effective civillian oversight, it always investigates itself and it is now among the most underfunded and worst trained police force in Canada. This has led to all sorts of tragedies, not only for the general public, but for members of the force itself.

A large amount of problems occur in BC, because 1/3 of the total RCMP trained in Canada are stationed here. BC has never bothered to form a provincial police force and many municipalities find it cheaper just to hire the RCMP as a policing unit. The RCMP were called to the airport, not because it was a federal facility, but because they are the police force for the City of Richmond, where the facility is located.

According to recent reports I have heard, compared to local municipal and Provincial forces, such as the OPP, their training and requirements for ongoing upgrading has gone in the toilet in the past couple of decades. This is a terrible disservice to those in the force and it puts the general public at far greater risk as well.

As far as what went on at YVR with Mr. Dziekanski, prior to the police being called, having worked on the Customs line at one time, I have my opinions. They were never a particularly helpful, kindly bunch. I would have hoped that things might have changed in the intervening years, but the deafening silence, on their part, would seem to indicate otherwise.