The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106392   Message #2198094
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
20-Nov-07 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: Upbeat Traditional Songs
Subject: RE: Upbeat Traditional Songs
I suppose the problem with that is GRex, the people who were there when it was done to death - are still there for the main part. Well I am, anyway.

I don't really accept you CAN do a song to death - if you're enjoying performing it - it will come over to the audience.

i do hate it though, when someone hasn't bothered to work out a performance.   you sort of feel - well if you can't give it your attention, why should I?

the professionals make it look easy - when you start you need to go at it like a dope fiend. I think if you don't feel that need to try an get it right, somehow - you've got it wrong.

For some reason every folk club meeting has someone who says, I haven't picked up the guitar (or whatever) for five years - sorry if its not in tune, and I forget the words.

i don't know where this has come from - perhaps from the time before there were inexpensive tuners, and people didn't change their guitar strings.

I wouldn't want to put anybody off singing though.