The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106441   Message #2198915
Posted By: Beer
20-Nov-07 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arresting parents over vaccines
Subject: RE: BS: Arresting parents over vaccines
I'm with you Greg. This is about saving lives. Be it your own or your best friend. Maybe the arresting of parents is not the correct way but if there is no other alternative, than so be it. I think the Polio example is a very good one and fits right into this "So called problem". Hell I can't drive anymore unless I have my seat belt on. I can't smoke at work, In night clubs,restaurant, and now in Kentiville Nova Scotia in my car it there is an infant in it. I understand in some new vehicles there will be installed some sort of devise that will not enable you to turn on your car if you have been drinking. If I drive over 100 kl (Say 55miles per hour)and get stopped and given a ticket or my licenses taken away because I've lost all my demerit points than I deserve it. The law is to protect all of us. We may not like it, but it is for us. I hated the seat belt issue as I felt it was taking away my right to strap on or off.
Enough said.
God night
Beer (adrien)