The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106386   Message #2199011
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
21-Nov-07 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: photographing/recording musicians
Subject: RE: photographing/recording musicians
Let's get back on topic folks.
I'm in a quandary regarding media intrusion of any kind.

Example 1
About a year before he died, I was recording (Legitamately) Ivor Cutler at a concert in London for the BBC.
He stopped mid song at one point, and quietly said to a member of the audience.."Are you recording me?"........long pause......."Don't".

Example 2
Well known UK singer on spotting a video crew at the back of the hall, walked off stage, only returning when they'd left.

I would say that their actions were totally justified.

It all comes down to courtesy in the end.
If I'm playing in a session, and someone has a minidisc recorder as an aide memoire to learn a tune or two, no harm is done IMHO,

If it's obviously a professional (Vid/Audio/Photographer) then I would expect the people to seek permission first.

But then.....If it hadn't been for the bootleg recordings (not all, admittedly!!) of Nic Jones, then I wouldn't have been able to produce the Unearthed CD....Go figure!!

Regards Ralphie