The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106386   Message #2199025
Posted By: MartinRyan
21-Nov-07 - 04:35 AM
Thread Name: photographing/recording musicians
Subject: RE: photographing/recording musicians
I was at a local jazz gig in Galway last night. I knew they were keen to have some shots for their website, so brought along a recenty acquired, rather nice, digital camera. Not enough light to avoid flash. I waited till the last number then got into position and took a set as discreetly as possible (i.e. flash and a good zoom). The lady who currently runs the club shot across to me and I thought "Ooops!". In fact what she said was "Great! I forgot my camera tonight - can we have some copies please?." Of course!

p.s. For jazz heads: the group featured Bill Carrothers - excellent.