The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20888   Message #219908
Posted By: Kelida
29-Apr-00 - 12:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dates worth singing about. . .
Subject: Dates worth singing about. . .
Okay, well I went out with this guy tonight who I thought was really nice. Of course, as the night progressed, all he talked about was fate, and destiny, and how much we have in common, and after a while I was a bit bored. Also, he's in the Marines, which wouldn't normally bother me, but as an ardent pacifist, I find it a bit hypocritical of me to date someone who wants to be in the infantry. In any case, though, the guy was boring me to tears with all his talk about what a nice guy he was and how he thought it was going to be the start of something "special" and god, he really cares about me already, etc. . . Of course I think this is all just a lot of BS to try and get me in the sack, but he's all no, no, it's not, he really is as nice as he seems, and wow, I'm so perfect adn beautiful, whatever. . . Well, anyway, I was driving because his Camaro is in a small town about three hours away from Cincinnati, and as soon as I get him back to his house, he wants to fool around, so I leave, because hey, it's only a first date with this guy, and what does he think I am, some sort of tramp? Okay, don't get me wrong, I'm trying to understand this, but what is WRONG with some guys? Do they think girls are STUPID? Are we not smart enough to figure guys out?--especially former bad girls like me who know the same tricks and lines.

I'm thinking there is a song in this, and I may think of something later. But this made me think of the one song Max played at the beginning of Radio Episode 31(I think)--BTW, what was the title, author, singer, album of that song?

Also, I was wondering, has anyone (male or female) had similar or any dating experiences that have ever been worth singing about?
