The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106441   Message #2199146
Posted By: Bee
21-Nov-07 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Arresting parents over vaccines
Subject: RE: BS: Arresting parents over vaccines
Thanks for the info above, Rowan, and Emma B.

As for polio, I grew up just after that cusp where immunizations started - my first polio dose was administered on a sugar cube in school. I knew children who'd had polio and were damaged by it.

One of my professors at the school I attended in Holland had polio as a child, and was beginning to experience, in middle age, secondary health problems related to that childhood illness.

Oh, and Beer, the bylaw in Wolfville, NS, now is that you may be subject to a $200 fine if you are found smoking in your vehicle with a child under eighteen, and that's been clarified to say, yes, if you are under eighteen and are the driver and are smoking, you are subject to the fine.