The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106461   Message #2199547
Posted By: GUEST,spb-cooperator
21-Nov-07 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: Shanty crew - 1 year On
Subject: RE: Shanty crew - 1 year On
Looking at the thread, I'm aware of the politics around Lancaster (for several years)....and also of various intention(s) to take on responsibilty for the event. I've got views on this but as I am ourside the circuit now it would only be speculatory anyway. Bur.... Lancaster was something special and a world-class event.

Anyway.... part of the upshot from my retirement is I miss having a creative side to my life, but I do not miss the tensions of being part of a group, so my feelings are a mixture of relief and vacuum.

Ahoj (pronounced ahoy)
