The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106479 Message #2199920
Posted By: GUEST,Ray
22-Nov-07 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: what happened to Ian Stewart (Poynton FC resident)
Subject: RE: Ian Stewart (Poynton FC resident)
I suspect that only the real Ray would know the answer to that one!
Well, it could go like this - two people were driving around the New Forest and, not knowing exactly where they were, stopped to look at a map. Where are we said one, there's a street sign over there, said the other. Oh! Arters Lawn - good name for a group that.
Incidentally, Ian left Poynton whilst Rick was on holiday and the four of us set up a new club down the road a month or so later.
Brian Peters/Ian Hendrie - I recognise both names but can't put a place or face to them.