The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106479   Message #2200159
Posted By: GUEST,Ray
22-Nov-07 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: what happened to Ian Stewart (Poynton FC resident)
Subject: RE: Ian Stewart (Poynton FC resident)
Hi Brian
Sorry if I've been a bad influence! I notice, from your website, you're playing Mr Wakefield's establishment in December. I've not been there for years but the same goes for most folk clubs. On the rare occasions we do play, its usually weddings, funerals or private parties.   

Yes is was the Deanwater, seems like the reason you preferred Poynton was the very reason we decided to go elsewhere. Actually, I've never been that bothered about offending people but it never had an "F".

Are you still local? I've moved as far away as Chapel-en-le-Frith & Robin lives in Buxton.