The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75122   Message #2200347
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz
22-Nov-07 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: Little known '60s Folk Singers
Subject: RE: Little known '60s Folk Singers
bobad: Yes, you got it. When you entered the place, the walls were painted black. The darkest venue I've ever seen. There was a small corridor that went left for about 20 feet that led to a very small room. And as I recall, there were few, if any chairs.
It used to remind me of the beatnik joints/coffeehouses back in Rhode Island near Brown University. Met my first East Indian friend named "Jai" there. He had a small shop that had Sitars in the window, which he let me play. I bought my first "kirta"(Indian Shirt) there. How 60's is THAT? Don't laugh. If you are from the era, either you or your girlfriend had one. See through. My My. The days when you had to say "man" at least once or twice in each sentence. The "Hip" factor... So, it was Hendrix, Man. Not just Hendrix. Jai told me the sleeves were loose so you could roll them up for fighting. One of those paper thin jobs with so much starch in it, you could stand it up in a corner. I asked him," do you guys fight all the time?" Big smile, no answer. Saw J.Geils in one of those clubs.The other was called "The Mouthpiece". Used to watch Ken Lyon there. Both are still going...
Got picked up by a girl while standing on the corner near there. Me and 2 other guys. She takes us around the back streets for about 10 minutes, and we end up in a back alley of the women's dorm. Climb a fire escape. She knocks on a door. It opens. The girl is wearing lingerie. And she has 5 friends. Haven't seen that much underwear since I peeked at the Victoria's Secret Catalogue. (Sort of like saying you never inhaled.) HA. Anyway, the one who picked us up says to Miss Lingerie, "Well, I got them for you."
Apparently, the girls were in need of "companionship". One of them, was walking diagonally back and forth in high heels, wobbling & bobbling to and fro., saying, "we shouldn't be doing this, we shouldn't be doing this."
We ended up just TALKING all night long, drinking beer, and listening to music. Ah, youth!...
