The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106280   Message #2201274
Posted By: the button
24-Nov-07 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: My Old Man's A New Labour Dustman
Subject: RE: My Old Man's A New Labour Dustman
Have you antique ferrous metal?
Have you antique ferrous metal?
Have you, have you, have you antique ferrous metal?
Your appearance is the epitomy of sartorial elegance,
Such as to promote gift-related discourse.
Your clothing is such that your appearance is impressive from your cranium, through to your lower extremities.
In the height of fashion, with recently-purchased headgear,
And neckwear inherited down the partilineal line.
However, I am uninterested in purchasing your timepiece, not even at a bargain price.
Antique ferrous metal.
Antique ferrous metal.