The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104602   Message #2201398
Posted By: wysiwyg
24-Nov-07 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Organizing/Household Tips
Subject: RE: BS: Organizing/Household Tips
Sometimes things really work out. My fabulous magic closet is inspriring Hardi to let me fabulize his. I got materials out of another room, where they were underutilized.....

So that... simultaneously....

The treadmill we got cheap a few months ago for winter use has finally found a home, n what had been the Pickin/Platyroom out back that is mostly unheated in the winter. Yesterday it became a workout room. The music books, small-church resource library, shelf-stereo and tape/CD/LP archives are still out there with a couch and two chairs, but now it also holds a treadmill with two full-spectrum lamps mounted, and soon Hardi's cycling trainer and ski-exercister will be there, too, along with a case of bottled water. (Bottled right here at home.)


Here's an new tip: that coffee urn we aren't using is converting to be an automatic stockpot. DUH, it has a spigot to drain off the stock!
