The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106319   Message #2201425
Posted By: MikeRebec
24-Nov-07 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: Crumhorns and early instruments
Subject: RE: Crumhorns and early instruments
Just a quick addition to my previous note. Tutti flutti, if you play flute then you should have no problems with fingering although some minor adjustments may be necessary. Using recorder fingering is the way to do it and you will work out your own adaptations for your particular instrument; omitting the last finger for notes such as b flat and f natural and adapting f sharp to the right index finger rather than the second and third fingers is the norm. Having said that, the norm for one isn't necessarily the norm for others!!! You really do have to get used to your own instrument and you will eventually get the hang of the breath pressure which can vary greatly from note to note. There is no rhyme nor reason to the wondrful world of crumhorns. What make did you get by the way?