The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106554   Message #2201735
Posted By: MikeRebec
25-Nov-07 - 06:40 AM
Thread Name: John Snelson Memorial Ceilidh
Subject: John Snelson Memorial Ceilidh
It is now just a week away from the John Snelson Memorial Ceilidh and this is one final reminder to anyone who would like to come and celebrate the life of John, former, and indeed founder member along with myself, of the ceilidh band Madcap. John played highland pipes and was an integral member of the band. Sadly he passed away earlier this year and we are holding a memorial ceilidh for him at Chorlton Irish Club on High Lane this coming Saturday 1st December 8-12.
Ring me for details 01618810936 Big thanks to Les Jones who has helped promote this event and also to St Ann's Hospice who cared for John in his final days. All proceeds will go to them. Thanks also to the Irish Club who are giving us the room without charge.