The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98041   Message #2201818
Posted By: Suffet
25-Nov-07 - 11:25 AM
From the Old-Fashioned Folksinger...

I was born and raised in East Virginia early on a frosty morning. My Daddy was a miner, and I'm a miner's son. My Mama would rock me in the cradle, but I left home when I was just nine days old. That's when I picked up a shovel and I walked to the mine. The captain said, "I got me a steam drill round," so I told my captain, "Your men a-gonna leave you" and I said farewell to Nova Scotia, that sea bound coast. Then I traveled all over this country, a-digging, prospecting for gold. I found rocks and gravel make a mighty fine road, so with a ten dollar horse and a twenty dollar saddle they sent me to New Bedford, that famous whaling port. But I caught me the end of a long freight train and fanned my tail to the Oregon line. I was walking down the track with tears in my eyes, trying to read a letter from my home, when along comes the sheriff from Cornersville saying, "Pay me or go to jail." Well, I ran so fast the hounds couldn't catch me, down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. So if you ever see me coming back, I'll extend to you my paw, but it's gonna be through a telescope from the great Atlantic Ocean to the wide Pacific shore.

Now if you detect even the remotest grain of truth buried beneath all that woofing and whooping, why not come find out for yourself? I'll be appearing with my good buddy, the Bronx Cowgirl Anne Price at the Vox Pop Cafe in Brooklyn, New York, on the evening of December 8, and then at the Yippie Museum Cafe in Manhattan one week later. Admission to both places is free, but we would certainly welcome musicians' tips and CD purchases.

Here are the details:

Steve Suffet + Anne Price

Saturday • December 8, 2007
7:00 to 9:00 PM
Vox Pop Cafe
1022 Cortelyou Road
One block east of Coney Island Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11218
Phone: 718-940-2084

Saturday • December 15, 2007
8:00 to 10:00 PM.
Yippie Museum Cafe
9 Bleecker Street
Just west of the Bowery
New York, NY 10012
Phone: 212-677-5918

And if you want to plan way ahead...

Friday • October 17, 2008
8:30 to 11:00 PM
Orpington Friday Folk
at the Liberal Club
7 Station Road
Orpington, Kent BR6 0RZ
Phone: 01-689-838-077

Be there!

--- Steve