The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106520   Message #2201834
Posted By: Neil D
25-Nov-07 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: American Pies-Questions & Answers.
Subject: RE: BS: American Pies-Questions & Answers.
The probable originator of pieing as a political act was Aron Kay [4], a Yippie, who pied singer and anti-gay-rights activist Anita Bryant in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1977 (audio footage of the incident is included in the Chumbawamba song Just Desserts, a homage to the concept of pieing).[4] Kay subsequently pied, among many others, William F. Buckley, G. Gordon Liddy, E. Howard Hunt, William Shatner, and Andy Warhol. Kay retired in 1992 after pieing right-wing activist Randall Terry. His exploits live on though. He appears in cartoon form in a 2003 animated music video, "Death penalty for pot" by Benedict Arnold and The Traitors, where he and Dana Beal pie George W. Bush and former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft (at 2 minutes and 33 seconds into the video).[5]...

    I thought I posted this from work yesterday but it didn't take so this is a repost. Not a riposte, that's different.
    If memory serves I believe that Aron Kay began his career as a serial pie thrower locally (for me)when he pied the president of Kent State University. It was during the gymnasium controversy in 1977. The university wanted to build a new gym that would partially obscure the site of the events of May 4, 1970. Some people saw this as an attempt to obscure hsitory or even cover up a crime scene since there were still active cases involving the Ohio National Guard and the state government. This sparked a whole series of protests in itself, including a tent city and a brief occupation of the Administration Building. (Two of my friends, students at the time, were recruited as "Official Observers" on the premise that with so many conflicting eye-witness accounts of May 4, 1970, objective observers could somehow keep an accurate accounting in the case of violence happening again in 1977. They even had official jackets with OBSERVER printed on the back.)
    In any case it was during a press conference by President Glenn Olds that he was pied by Aron Kay. There were Yippies I met on Youngstown's North Side at that time who knew Mr. Kay quite well and were utterly geeked when he began to receive national media attention for his pie throwing escapades.