The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106479   Message #2201942
Posted By: GUEST,Brian Peters
25-Nov-07 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: what happened to Ian Stewart (Poynton FC resident)
Subject: RE: Ian Stewart (Poynton FC resident)
"Are you still in touch with Dave Rawlinson, Brian? I'd love to get back in touch and my step-son has been trying to get in thouch with Dave & Mary's son for some time."

I haven't seen him for a few years, Ray. Last I heard he was at Bower Gardens, Salisbury. Since I'd rather not post either Dave's full address, phone no. or my email address on this forum, perhaps you could contact me via my website if you don't have that address and would like me to pass it on.

"Good to see you are still playing Brian Peters. No reason why you shouldn't be actually!"
In the sense that I never got bored either with the songs or the singing of them, you're quite right, Mike.