The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106520   Message #2202207
Posted By: Sorcha
26-Nov-07 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: American Pies-Questions & Answers.
Subject: RE: BS: American Pies-Questions & Answers.
Grin....I still have a real butcher, and they will save and sell me what ever I want. Grocery store/butcher also owns the packing house. I want lamb kidneys, just ask now and they will save them come spring.

I want brains, they will save them. (No, I don't actually WANT brains) but you get my drift here.

This place processes everything but chickens themselves, and they own associated ranches which also raise it all. Yea, I know I'm lucky. No additives, antibiotics, chances of mad cow disease are VERY slim.

Regarding their chickens, they sell both Tyson and Smart Chicken. Tyson is now advertising 'organic/no additive' chicken....I'm not sure I believe that.

Only problem is, really, that if I want veal or real calf liver I have to promise to buy the entire calf, lamb or whatever. Not truly an insurmountable problem though.

This place also does all the processing for the County Fair 4-H animals that are sold at public auction every August.

Small towns, gotta love 'em.