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Thread #106576   Message #2204284
Posted By: Nickhere
28-Nov-07 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Holocaust Out of UK Schools? (Hoax?)
Subject: RE: BS: Holocaust Out of UK Schools? (Hoax?)
I'm glad to hear students are studying the WW2 holocaust, though it depends on the age of the students. Some might be a bit young to handle it, I don't know what age they study it at (I'm presuming secondary school for a start). When the truth of it began to dawn on me at a young age, I remember being flabbergasted that people could be so inhumane to other people. But then, evil drives people to do dreadful things.

Today what makes me most sad is that in spite of all that, in spite of the blame heaped on Germans for letting it happen, most of us are just as bad. We may not have any influence over foreign governments directly, but we should at least have some control over our own if we are living in a democracy as we claim. Why then aren't we holding them to account for the evil acts they are committing and pressuring them to hold foreign governments to account for the same?

For me the only 'danger' in studying the WW2 holocaust is to think that that was the end of it all, evil was vanquished and we all lived happily ever after. As long as it serves to reminding us of how low humanity can stoop, it might hopefully have some influence in preventing same. So far it hasn't had much success there though (Srebenica, Rwanda, Darfur, Pol Pot, Mao's Great Leap Forward etc.,) I think the key is in realising such potential evil is something deep within the psyche of all humans and not confined to any one nation or time.

For what it's worth the first holocaust this century was that of 1,000,000 + Armenians killed by the Turks at the end of WW1. This is hotly denied by today's Turkish Govt and has landed a few historians in jail in Turkey who dared suggest it did happen.