The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106616   Message #2204508
Posted By: Schantieman
29-Nov-07 - 06:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: 250th anniversary William Blake
Subject: RE: BS: 250th anniversary William Blake
On the subject of 'Jerusalem' (maybe this needs a separate thread?), many years ago I wrote a third verse to this hymn, one of my favourites, thinking that it needed it. I was then unaware of Blake's politics and though the verse might not fit the perceived ethos of the song as it's sung nowadays, maybe Blake would have approved?

I'm immodest enough to think that it deserves a wider audience, so I'd appreciate comments........ (and, if you like it, sing it!)

Jerusalem, verse 3

Words by Steve Freedman (after William Blake - about 230 years after; music by Hubert Parry)

And shall the joy be thus confined?
Cease at the bounds of England's shore?
Shall minds be closed and hearts unmoved
While mute starvation pleads for more?
This must not be - we shall fight on!
Our love extend, our greed destroy!
Then truly shall Jerusalem
The whole world o'er shout out her joy!

(c) S J Freedman c. 1985

Comments? New thread?
