The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106626   Message #2205639
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
30-Nov-07 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: Songs for the Winter Solstice
Subject: RE: Songs for the Winter Solstice

"I suspect that quite a few Christmas songs are solstice songs masquerading"

Lots of people suspect but they almost never give any reason based in history.

"is very happy with the mythic child born at midwinter concept"
What does this mean?

"but my guess is that a number of the older pagan traditions were simply taken over by the whole Christmas bandwagon."

Lots of people believe this and as a generalisation it has some substance. But just because people find things plausible it doesn't make them true.

People have been perpetrating the idea that Morris Dancing has pagan origins or is wrapped up with getting crops to grow or fertility - take your pick. The only evidence seems to be people saying it was so for about a hundred years.The hard historical evidence identifies Morris coming from courtly dancing, escaping and running wild in the English countryside - quite an exciting idea in its own right?

I guess I am becoming an unpleasant, factiod bore and I should leave myth makers alone. I have to go it's time to wave a candle at the evil boggarts of winter



ps nobody would be more pleased than me if someone had come up with a genuine traditional winter solstice song.