The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106554   Message #2206864
Posted By: MikeRebec
02-Dec-07 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: John Snelson Memorial Ceilidh
Subject: RE: John Snelson Memorial Ceilidh
Yes Les and thanks to you and everyone else who supported this event.
John played bagpipes with MADCAP and was, with myself, a founder member of the band. We also welcomed back for the night other original members Tim Veitch on 'cello and Jo Blinkhorn on whistles.
A great night and over £600 was raised for St Ann's Hospice.
The manager of the Irish Club in Chorlton (South Manchester, England!)is keen to have more ceilidhs so if you are interested in being put on a mailing list for future events PM me with your e-mail address.

Mike B.