The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106732   Message #2207439
Posted By: GerryMc
03-Dec-07 - 08:11 AM
Thread Name: Me on the Radio again (shameless plug) 4 Dec 07
Subject: Me on the Radio (UK) again (shameless plug)

Where?:The Late Show with Russell Walker on BBC Radio Leeds (UK)

When?: Tuesday 4th December 2007

What time?: 10:30 pm

For how long?: 2 songs and some chit-chat. However long that takes

On your own Gerry?: Performance wise, yes

Who should tune in?: Oh, the whole world

How much does it cost?: It's FREEEEEEEEEEE to tune in

Will there be other performers:? No

Why?: Because radio is brilliant

Where do we find Radio Leeds on the dial? 92.FM and 95.3FM or 774AM or DAB. Also on t'internet here

Can we contact the show? Yes, you can text in and fone or email. Details on the Radio Leeds Website

Gerry :-)