The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106755   Message #2208223
Posted By: Donuel
04-Dec-07 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: How many Mudcatters in Second Childhood?
Subject: RE: BS: How many Mudcatters in Second Childhood?
(to be read with the voice of Plankton)

life with glee?

It's a bit like the 30 something on a flight sitting next to a 70 year old woman. When the plane starts tumbling in a thunderstorm and the 30 something guy starts screaming like a little girl, the old woman says with near bordom, "when you you get this old, things like this won't bother you."

Its a matter of freedom really. A couple years ago I had feelings of grandeur about the next project I would do like conquering the world. Now I know they will all go undone... so I'm free from caring about them.

There are no more partnerships to join that might fill in the gaps of talent or ideas. There are only those who interact from a need to brag, like calling from the Hawaii airport to "complain" about a layover or those who ask how you are as they stand on your foot and chuckle. At least there are no more torturous feelings of inadaquacy, when one finally achieves complete total 100% inadequacy.

The worst part is watching the same old bigotry being worshipped by otherwise decent people in the name of their all powerful god. For every improvement in a technology of a camera or a car or a TV there is a deevolution of compassion, acceptence and tolerence by those who successfully preach the need to isolate, punish or kill the non believer.

The best pay off is watching movies. I can watch a movie I have seen before and not have the ending given away.