The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75122   Message #2208834
Posted By: GUEST,Josh Cohen
04-Dec-07 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: Little known '60s Folk Singers
Subject: RE: Little known '60s Folk Singers
My friend Joel Fleisher & I used to hang around The Cage.
I took my first mandolin lesson from Lee Aaron
around '63 as best I can remember but I began
playing (well, I called it playing (-; )
in the early 60's. My dad's old
Martin mandolin that was
eventually stolen.

Went to Union Grove where I saw Winnie Winston & The New York
Ramblers win Best Band playing Don Reno's "Follow The
Leader." I'll never forget it. Eric Thompson on

Joel & I Saw Len Chandler at SF State Univ. about 9 years ago
& know he lives in LA. I used to hang around Kenin's Guitar
Workshop on 19th St. in Philly when my friend bass player
Dean Levitt & I lived directly above the R & W Deli next
door. About a half block from Rittenhouse Sq. Used
to hang around the at the previous workshop when
it was in N. Philly. (Hunting Park Ave.???)
Anyone remember Donny Green?

I knew Bob Tanner (Tangrea) in those days and brought him
to John Herald's house in Woodstock. Those were
great daze. Bob joined the John Herald Band &
I was at the live recording at Max's Kansas
City in NYC. I still have that vinyl.
I was a Greenbriar Boys nut...

I got the then new Community College of Phila. to put up
money for a resurrected Greenbriar Boys concert
that featured John, Eric Weissberg on Banjo
and I recall Jody Stecher (I see him
frequently as he lives in the Bay
Area) on mandolin. Of course
this was post the great band
of John, Ralph Rinzler & Bob
Yellen, but it was still
great music.

And what about "Separation Blues" singer &
Van Ronk's friend Pat Sky? I believe he
builds Irish pipes... Who can forget
"Separation Blues?"   

I should mention that I see Raun MacKinnon, now Raun Burnham
and her husband Jerry once every year or two. They are
great folks & live in LA. Raun just put an upload
of 70's tunes on CD Baby - Raun MacKinnon
Archived Sessions..

Wonderful! Check it out:

Josh Cohen
Martinez, CA