The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20596   Message #220884
Posted By: GUEST,Michelle in New York
01-May-00 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: Alcoholism
Subject: RE: Alcoholism
In case John Evans and affected others are still reading--- I checked out this site just to find a song name, but saw the subject and decided I should read. My boyfriend of almost 6 years is an alcoholic. He is only 26 and has been drinking since he was 14. Yes, messed up past and all, but he had many chances to make things right, but he wasn't ready. After many break-ups, and tons of psychological help for me to deal with his problem, things got worse. He called me from Holland to "say hi", then I got a call two days later that he had been caught trying to transport drugs overseas. He is now in jail, but has been given another chance through a "boot camp" type program. When he is released, I know things will be tough for him. But I also know that I am not the one who is able to help him through this. He obviously didn't think all of this could happen to him, just like some of the people who responded to John's original e-mail make lightly of their own problems. My boyfriend can only look ahead now, but the road will be a much harder one. The awful evenings I spent waiting for him to come home will always be engraved in my mind. I hope no one else ever has to go through that, and I wish John and others the best of luck throughout their life.

Hope I got my point across. MM