The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106692   Message #2209536
Posted By: Rowan
05-Dec-07 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: Single Name Basis
Subject: RE: Single Name Basis
I was jesting Azizi.
Bennelong was the first Port Jackson Aborigine to become part of the imposed British colonial structure. The spit of land on which the Sydney Opera House sits is Bennelong Point. The House of Reps seat occupied until recently by John Howard (see the thread on Oz Prime Minister loses seat in election) is named Bennelong.

Kylie, she of the (apparently) callipygous bum, is Kylie Minogue. I gather she has a reputation as a pop icon of some standing.

Rog, Isambard Brunel is the person who made cast iron and steel construction all the go in 19th century Britain. A vague memory indicates he had some connection with the Eiffel Tower, constructed entirely of cast iron in such a way as to impose compression stresses (which cast iron can handle) and avoiding tension stresses (which it can't) on all the structural elements.

Cheers, Rowan